Caring for Your Furry Friends Like Family
Is your pet living their best life? Your animal friend is part of your family. The bond you share affects you and your animal’s wellbeing. At Natural Pet Wellness, we will listen to your story and help care for you and your furry friend with healing energy and compassion, so you can live your best lives together!
Cristi Eckert certified Reiki Master and Healing Touch for Animals Expert is here to help animals and their human companions better connect through a variety of non- invasive healing treatments, communication and pet care. If your dog, cat, horse or other animal companion is stressed, anxious, depressed or in pain from a recent change or has battled these emotions for years healing starts with understanding. Cristi’s ability to connect with your furry friend allows you to start the journey of healing.
Natural Pet Wellness provides:
Animal Communication
Ready to connect? Schedule your appointment.
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Pets are family and many pets live very closely with us. When your furry family is in distress, everyone in your household feels that imbalance. When your pet is happy, the whole family is happy! I can help bring that balance and harmony back to your home.